傻貓 | 面試外傭問題 (Part 2: 照顧 newborn 初生嬰兒篇)

 新手媽媽,想請工人姐姐湊初生BB, 面試時,應該問咩好? 點先知道,對方係咪自己想請嘅人,係咪真係幫到手? 個工人係咪真係識照顧初生BB?可以參考吓呢d問題,睇吓幫唔幫到你?1. Can you describe your approach to maintaining a clean and hygienic environment for the baby?2. Have you ever handled a situation where a baby is sick or has a fever? What did you do?3. How do you communicate with parents about the baby’s daily activities, such as feeding, sleep, and diaper changes?4. What  Read More  

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