Stockresearch18 | 微軟,谷歌公司2023年夏季業績


For the summer 2023 quarter, Microsoft posted revenue of $56.2 billion, up 8%, or 10% in constant currency. Profits were $2.69 a share, up 21% from a year ago, and above consensus at $2.55 a share. Gross margin was 70%, up 2 percentage points from a year ago, while operating margin was 43%, up 4 percentage point.

其前景是 chapgpt 4有first mover advantage,而未來收入增長引擎在microsoft 365 copilot 每位用户每月3O美元訂用費的業務,未來5~1O年收入及盈利增長潛力十分大。

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